Saturday, August 29, 2009

When time stops!

I think we all watched movies and TV shows about time, where someone has a special ability to stop the time, travel in time - like back to the future- or even wake up in the same day over and over again!.

well the idea itself seems impossible since we - all living creatures - are a complex function of time that goes to zero - death- after a certain time passes, so it is us that change according to time not the other way around, time doesn't change, doesn't wait and doesn't care if you have a bus to catch , a problem to solve , it goes on no matter how important or insignificant you are!. time is the only fair judge, don't you think so?!!

recently I had the feeling that time has a tendency to stop, work tasks are finished fast, and I wrote all the above and the clock didn't change at all!. am I the only one feeling like this?, the problem is that months pass so fast, I know it doesn't make any sense but what does make any sense nowadays?.

now that one minuet has passed ; I come to the conclusion that when you need time to pass, it doesn't and when you need time you don't get any, its all a part of the human greed system, that system that makes us think we are the most important, its OK if we were late, but it is not if anyone else is, I think its about time to stop all this mambo jumbo and go to sleep!


  1. You need to drink more coffee :P

  2. I Know I need to, but I have a rule that I can only Drink Coffee when I'm breathing!!! :p

  3. i have to say that what u wrote about time is so perfect! and no ur not the only one feeling like this! i arrived at work 45 minutes ago! and time is killing me, its so damn slow! and i feel so sleepy!! I think anyone who reads ur conclusion agrees with u, well at least i do because at this moment i want time to pass and its not!!

  4. okz..... this is my feild... thanks Adi :)

    Im seeing this article in two simple facts.One, Time is passing according to specific, perfect seconds..its not flying by, not fast, its constant in passing and can not be reversed.
    Two, we look at time depending on how we are feeling about it and what circumstances we are in.Example, you come early in the morning to do ur job, and u dont like your job, we wish for the time to pass quickly and it wont... at the same time, you enjoy to spend some time with ur friends and reliaze 3,4 hours passed by like a second.....hmm why is that?

    im gonna answer, we have connected time to our minds like its gonna solve our problems... like I hate my job, wish for time to fly by to finish a bad working day and this is solved for the other hand.... I dont wish for time to fly by cause im having a great time with my friends...... solved also for today.....

    But Time is constant, same in two cases..... how we think and use it... makes the difference


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