Monday, November 30, 2009

Impossible is Something!!!

Yes; Impossible is something to admire, like and hate, impossible is wicked and it does exist, lets face it, Most of our dreams are impossible, and dreams are different than ambitions because they have the tendency to be possible!.

In the science of probability impossible is the event that has zero probability of happening, but this doesn't mean that the event does not exist!.

what happens in life is that we tend to put lower standards, less dreams and objectives that need much less efforts, we are lazy, we hate to work, we don't want to move a muscle and still we want to have all the attention, credit and love of the whole world.... well this is impossible!.

when we accomplish something that is impossible is that you change the concept or the environment of the event, Example : men can't fly... man created planes that fly, planes can carry men when they fly, but still man didn't fly".

Sadly one of the impossible events I have is to do the hobbies I used to do 2 years ago!.

and you what are your impossibles?


  1. well for me i don't like to say this word!! i don't want to have it as one word in a page in my subconscious mind, because if we insist that this word is exist in our dictionary our mind will believe it by time, and then our hopes and our goals will start to shrink by time, as you said, our expectation is so little to the point that we believe that we achieve something , and when we face the "impossible situation" we refuse to think about it ,

    maybe what i wrote above doesn't have any sense, but what i want to say that impossible is relative thing to each one of us, what may seems impossible for you could be an ordinary event for me ! its all up there, in our mind !! and nothing more!

  2. Its a word I try not to use in my life but as u said it exist

    If we get to use this word all our dreams and goals will disappeares

    For me its impossible to love cats or to like the taste of fish :$
    but its possible to change my job one day :D

  3. Dr.Mohamed :: than you for the informative comment, I think you have a great point, but don't you think sometimes we have to accept the fact that somethings are impossible to achieve so we can move on?

    Whisper :: thanks you for the comment :),maybe it is a bit scary to admit that it does exist, but we always move on in the end, I'm not trying to send a negative vibe in this post,I realize the importance of dreams, but we shall never forget out current reality that we need to deal with, such as your job :)

  4. @nashashibi: indeed, you are completely right, in certain situations we may face dead-end, but what i am talking about is surrendering from the first attempt, and never try again, sure; at some point you have to accept the reality of useless trails and then you have to move on , but still we shouldn't call it "impossible situation" because if other can do it then it is not impossible , but you are not good enough to achieve it,

  5. @ Dr.Mohammed :: then we are on the same page :) , thank you :)

  6. For now, spend one day not thinking! Just BLANK!


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