I had the chance to work with a telecommunications expert from Sweden ...when he had to go back to Sweden I asked him what did he think of Jordan, he told me that he will forward an email he send to a friend of his...There you go:
Amman, Jordan
Amman is a very mountainous city, built on 7 hills. It’s a modern city which has grown very fast to a population of more than 2 million inhabitants. Public transport is poor. Driving is an adventure. The better-off people live in very large houses and apartments compared to Europe. Nice architecture, houses are built of sandstone, which is cheep, as well as labor. A lot of workers come from neighbor countries, e.g. Egypt, and Syria. Most upper and middle class people have maids, mostly from Asia, plus gardeners to look after the apartment blocks. Land and house prices have raised a lot over the last few years, partly due to the Iraqi immigrants. The immigration from Iraq has now been restricted after that about a million refugees came because of the war.
The difference between rich and poor is noticeable; there are slum areas in the outskirts of Amman. Large Palestinian refuge camps can be seen also in many places in the country side.
People are extremely kind and helpful, especially to foreigners. Many people speak English.
Wherever you go in the country there are rich historic places. I’ve seen John the Baptist place, where Jesus Josefsson was baptized; Mount Nebo where God pointed out the Promised Land to Moses (Mose Backe); Petra, a fantastic place made by nature; Jerash, an old Roman city and several other ancient places.
I have been sitting in the Dead Sea, lived Bedouin life with desert safari and sleeping in tent, been guided through a huge development project in Aqaba where they build hotels, apartments and houses for a growing tourism. They are also building a golf course. By the way, I once played golf on sand and putting on browns outside Amman. I’ve played bridge a few times in a club in Amman
The food is nice and rich of fruit and vegetables. Alcohol is expensive. Petrol is cheep, but electricity and water is expensive. Fresh water is a scarce resource; Jordan is the fourth poorest water country in the world. The river Jordan is continuously decreasing in size and the Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth (about 400 meters below sea level) gets lower, people in Syria, Israel, Palestine and Jordan use too much water private and for agriculture. A large project is under way, to lead water from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea, and get electric power and purify the salt water to get fresh water.