Friday, January 22, 2010

9 Fairytales that would be ruined if technology Existed

This Post was inspired by the Sherlock Holmes Movie -a good one actually- There was a part where Sherlock Holmes talks about controlling a machine remotely by sending a wave command ... "This is the future ... Mr. Holmes said" I smiled and went wild with my thoughts...

1- If the the 40 thieves applied a voice recognition security system on the Sesame Gate, Ali Baba would have never been able to open it... and thus one story goes down.

2- Cinderella and her prince would have to meet on facebook where he shall send her an event invitation, she says "I can't" he asks "why?" and comes to the rescue!!!.

3- Snow white's step mom's mirror would never stand a chance in front of the new LED TV .... "LED TV on the wall ... who is the clearest of them all?!".

4- What would you like more.... a windy Magic carpet or a first class plane ticket?... goodbye Aladdin!!!.

5- Alice would have been watching TV and trying hard to look like a superstar instead of eating mushrooms and hallucinating!... poor Girl!

6- The sleeping beauty would have never been awaken since her Status is always "Appear Offline".

7- All the three little pigs would have built sandstone Houses because they know it's the strongest from strategy games!

8- The beast would be a programming guru and the beauty would have 3000+ followers on twitter... zero chance for them to meet!

9- Jack would have never got on that bean tree because when he call his mom on her cell phone to ask her if he shall do the trade or not.. she ill tell him to cut the crap and come home!


  1. Adiiiiii I love the post! I really enjoyed reading it :) I like number 1 though lol its so funny! Thank God technology didn't exist! waiting for the next post ;)

  2. Hahaha no wonder cartoons now-a-day are filled with violence and weapons(last time i checked, Pokemon was invading the souls of kids :/ I never liked it :S) It's been a while since I watched Television actually, and I should know before i generalize but I don't like the new animated series! They lack the simplicity and ethics we were raised on.
    Thanks God there exist Tom n' Jerry and Zeina w Na7oul, those will stand against it all; technology, time.. u name it ;)

  3. haha, great post.. i don't know if i will miss any of those stories/cartoons tho. if u look at Tom n Jerry for example, they used all the technology available at that time to hurt each other .. lol


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