Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Back Stage experement!!!

This week end I had to usher The Palestinian youth orchestra, I expected to see old people with a bad attitude , How ever I was shocked that the average age range of 120 musicians was 18 years old, some are as young as 14.

People say it takes a lot of hard work to make a good show, form what I saw it take a lot more than that, me and another 2 volunteers had to go bring food, tea coffee for all 120 people, I was hard to find 120 items of each product, it was hot, crowded and really exhausting.

backstage was a total bohemian miss, vocalists warming up together, others are changing, ironing their clothes, one violin player got sick and she had to rehearse before she went to the hospital, there wasn't enough space on stage for an ant to breathe!!!.

Lunch was served, I went home to change into formal, went back to the theater, and took charge of the front door, tickets were sold out, and still many people came to buy tickets from the door, some where lucky to buy refunded or canceled tickets , other had to go back home!.

The rehearsal was over, the musicians entered and the doors are now open , most of the people where not that young, My boss and his family came to the show, he loved the show, shall I be expecting a raise soon?...I don't think so!, what do you think?.

there were three parts in the concert, the first is a purse classical music part, the second the was a choir that sang patriotic songs written by Mahmoud Darweesh ( may God bless his soul) and the third part included Reem Telhemi, a beautiful voice accompanied by an astonishing orchestra and dreamy choir!, it was a great show , maybe one of the best!.

Spacial thanks to Al Balad theatre and the volunteers in the picture below.


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